分类:好词好句时间:2022-11-08 14:04作者:未知编辑:猜谜语
《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多长。spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。silent night thoughtsseeing the bright moon above my room,suspious of frost on the ground.I rise to watch the moon,I bend to think of home.《行行重行行》行行重行行,与君生别离。相去万余里,各在天一涯;道路阻且长,会面安可知?胡马依北风,越鸟巢南枝。相去日以远,衣带日已缓;浮云蔽白日,游子不顾返。思君令人老,岁月忽已晚。弃捐勿复道,努力加餐饭! journey after journey,apart from you,my dear.thousand miles away,the end of the earth;the road narrow and long,when can we meet each other?the horse is against the mighty wind,the bird makes a nest on the branches.days have been long since we aparted,I miss you so much,clouds covering the sun,I cannot return,missing you makes me age,times are late suddenly,,what I can only do,is to have more meals.
While I watch the moon go down, a crow caws through the frost;
Under the shadows of maple-trees a fisherman moves with his torch;
And I hear, from beyond Suzhou, from the temple on Cold Mountain,
Ringing for me, here in my boat, the midnight bell.
spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,
how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?
《静夜诗》床前明月光疑地上霜 举头望明月低头思故乡
silent night thoughtsseeing the bright moon above my room,suspious of frost on the ground.
I rise to watch the moon,I bend to think of home.
The qingping attune one"
Cloud to clothes to permit, spring breeze blows flower trap LouHuaNong.
Unless the group head to see, jade every YaoTai next month.
The qingping adjustable secondly"
A segong is colourful, cloud-rain wushan coagulation sweet dew waste heartbroken.
JieWen han palace who had like? Poor XinZhuang lean against feyenoord.
The qingping adjustable thirdly"
Name two phase huan pour countries, often make Kings DaiXiao look.
Explain ShenXiangTing north spring breeze infinite hate, LanGan lean.
The night sit to sing"
冬夜夜寒觉夜长,沉吟久坐坐北堂。 冰合井泉月入闺,金缸青凝照悲啼。
Cold winter night sleep night long, thoughtfully long sit north church. Ice laminated springs moon in boudoir, Kim well as sad cry green coagulation cylinder.
"Send" the meng haoran AnLing
故人西辞黄鹤楼, 烟花三月下扬州。 孤帆远影碧空尽, 唯见长江天际流。
Old west phrase, the yellow crane tower spends march yangzhou China.
Solitary sail far shadow as the sky see is the great river, the sky flow.
Dawn of Spring
I wake up at the dawn of Spring,
And hear the birds ev'rywhere sing.
As sounded the wind and rain o'ernight,
I wonder how many blooms alight